当社は,1899年に急成長しているペンシルベニア州の石油産業用の専門パイプメーカーとして設立されました。 1945年に、専門ファスナーとラッチ事業への参入のためサウスコが創設されました。過去60年の間に、技術革新・戦略的買収・海外投資を通してアクセスハードウェアの世界的なリーダーとなりました。
サウスコのソリューションは、あなたや他の何千もの人々との毎日の相互作用からなる製品の重要な部分を占めます。私たちの工学アクセスハードウェアソリューションは、錠、ラッチ、固定ファスナー、ヒンジ、ハンドルやその他の革新的な製品など主要な「タッチポイント」を含んで います。
当社は,100年以上にわたりお客様の技術的課題を解決し克服をお手伝いして参りました。当社の情熱・ビジョン・今日の焦点は、お客様の製品用にデザインされた「タッチポイント」の差別化を計ることでお客様の製品が売り上げを伸ばし,エンドユーザの皆様に使われることです。 当社は、テクニカル・セールス・エンジニアリングそしてマーケティングチームに積極投資することで,このビジョンの実現に尽力しております。

Timeline of Milestones
South Chester Tube Company Founded
South Chester Tube Company began as a manufacturer of tubing, pipe and couplings, which were used to extract oil from fields across the United States and transfer it to refineries.
South Chester Corporation founded as a division of South Chester Tube Company.
South Chester Corporation began manufacturing specialty fastener devices in Essington, Pennsylvania, USA. The Southco name is registered with the United States patent office in the following year and the products of the South Chester Corporation are marketed under the Southco name.
Operations of South Chester Corporation moved from Essington, Pennsylvania to Lester, Pennsylvania, USA
The Lester facility provided additional room for expansion to accommodate the company’s rapid growth.
Acquired Lion Fastener Company, Honeoye Falls, New York, USA Acquired Dodge Steel, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Southco acquired the Lion Fastener Company, a leader in quarter-turn fasteners. Southco acquired Dodge Steel, a steel foundry. These acquisitions greatly expanded Southco’s manufacturing capabilities and provided access to new markets.
Opened Brandywine Manufacturing Facility, Concordville, Pennsylvania, USA Opened Honeoye Falls, New York, USA Manufacturing Facility
These two new facilities provided added capacity for operations.
Opened Corporate Office, Concordville, Pennsylvania, USA
Southco's corporate office was relocated from Lester Pennsylvania to Concordville, Pennsylvania to be co-located with the existing manufacturing facility.
Established European Operations with acquisitions in Germany and the United Kingdom
Southco established its European presence with acquisitions in the United Kingdom and Germany. Further acquisitions in Italy, Spain and France in the ensuing years created the framework for Southco’s European sales force.
Acquired Simmons Fastener Company and Thermo Products, Albany, New York, USA
Southco gained new products as well as access to new markets.
Opened direct sales and warehousing facility, Melbourne, Australia. Established partnership with NBK to sell Southco products in Japan.
Southco’s Melbourne, Australia facility and partnership with NBK provided its first direct presence in the Asia Pacific region.
Opened Direct Sales Office, Korea
Southco continued its global outreach by establishing a direct sales presence in Asia.
Opened Asia Headquarters, Hong Kong
By opening a headquarters in Asia, Southco was poised to facilitate growth in the region.
Opened Distribution and Assembly Facility, Shanghai, China
The Shanghai distribution and assembly facility was Southco’s first facility in mainland China.
Acquired Mobella, Eskilstuna, Sweden Opened Southco Marine Facility in Melbourne, Florida, USA.
The Mobella acquisition brought products exclusively designed for the Marine Industry to Southco's product portfolio.
Opened Fu Yong, China Manufacturing Facility Opened Automotive Engineering Center, Stuttgart, Germany Acquired Dzus and Hartwell-Dzus Companies
The Fu Yong facility brought manufacturing capabilities closer to customers in south Asia. The Stuttgart engineering facility enabled greater connectivity with automotive customers in Germany. The Dzus acquisition complemented and expanded Southco's product offering.
Acquired Shi Yan, China Manufacturing Facility Opened Shanghai, China Injection Molding and Assembly Facility Acquired CEMA Technologies, Audubon, PA, USA
The Shi Yan and Shanghai facilities brought die casting and stamping capabilities (Shi Yan) and injection molding (Shanghai) closer to customers in Asia. The acquisition of CEMA Technologies added positioning technology to Southco's product portfolio.
Opened Manufacturing, Engineering and Customer Service Center, Pune, India Opened Manufacturing and Assembly Facility, Chihuahua, Mexico
Southco’s Pune facility established local technical, design, assembly and order fulfillment support to the region. Southco's Chihuahua facility expanded the company's North American footprint.
Opened Expanded Design and Manufacturing Facility, Shenzhen, China
Southco consolidated its Fu Yong and Shi Yan operations into one larger state-of-the-art factory in Shenzhen, China.